Separation Agreements

Not everyone needs to end up in court. Part of The Palmé Law Firm’s approach to providing the best representation we can for our clients is to identify those situations where we can agree on some or all of the issues that a couple may have and resolve them in a Separation Agreement. Litigation is expensive, stressful and risky. If the parties can come to an agreement rather than litigate, it saves everyone money and allows both spouses to move on with their individual lives that much sooner.
In North Carolina, a couple can resolve some or all of their differences by contract rather than through litigation. It is almost always less expensive to resolve divorce issues in a Separation Agreement than it is to go to court and argue about them. Separation Agreements allow you the freedom to agree to issues that may be very important to you but do not have legal remedies. A good example of this is paying for college for your children. In North Carolina, child support ends when a child graduates from high school and turns 18. Because of this, a court cannot order either party to pay for college expenses for children. However, if you enter into a separation agreement, you can decide how to pay for college tuition in that agreement. You can also agree to custody, child support, equitable distribution and alimonyarrangements that may not otherwise be available as legal remedies if you have to go to court.
The attorneys at The Palmé Law Firm have negotiated and drafted Separation Agreements for clients from diverse backgrounds. Let them put their experience to work for you. Contact The Palmé Law Firm for an initial consultation today.
Breach of Contract
Even after a separation agreement is completed, problems can still arise. If you have an Agreement and your former spouse is refusing to hold up his or her end of the bargain, you may need to file a breach of contract action to enforce your Separation Agreement. If you need to enforce a Separation Agreement or if you are being sued by your ex in a dispute over your Separation Agreement, you are going to need representation. The Palmé Law Firm in Raleigh has the experience with enforcement of Agreements that you are going to need. Contact our lawyers today.